Contributing writer
Many people from the Tampa community attended the wedding of Jessica Deines and Andrew Hajek on Sept. 1 at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Herington, followed by a dinner and dance.
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League met Sept. 5 at the church with Joyce Medley as hostess. Others present were Kathy Davis, Janet Bielefeld, Adeline Bernhardt, Leona Kleiber, Edna Backhus, and Betty Mueller.
Donald and Carolyn Srajer of Omaha, Neb., arrived Sept. 5 to spend time with his mother, Tillie Hein, and their son and family, Jim and Kris Srajer, Grant and Cole. Carolyn made supper for all at Hein’s home.
Jerry and Jeanne Rziha went Sept. 2 to Great Bend to help his brother, Jim Rziha, celebrate his 70th birthday. All eight living Rziha siblings and their spouses, Jim’s wife Jolene’s siblings and their spouses, and Jolene’s father were present.
Frank and Anna Mae Stika and Lori Moldenhauer bought food at Burdick on Labor Day and brought it back to the Stika home where Lisa Hanschu joined them for dinner.
Dinner guests of Russ and Julie Kerbs on Sept. 2 were Rustyn Kerbs of Hillsboro, Jesse and Ashton Smith and Sydney of Pilsen, and Lucille Kerbs.
Paul and Edna Backhus attended the 60th wedding anniversary celebration of Dot and Norman Ensz on Sept. 1. Later, Brad Backhus joined them to attend the Deines-Hajek wedding reception in Herington.
From Sept. 2 to 4, Jeff and Kristin O’Hearn visited her grandmother, Tillie Hein, and Jim and Kris Srajer, Grant and Cole.
Lucille Kerbs went Sept. 1 to Abilene to visit Connie Thompson and Taylor. Connie and Lucille met Allison Sluder and Brooklyn for dinner.
Lori Moldenhauer visited Frank and Anna Mae Stika Sept. 5.
Bev Reid of Marion and Edna Backhus went Sept. 1 to Salina.
Adeline Bernhardt and Leona Kleiber had dinner Sept. 2 in Hillsboro with Barney and Linda Bernhardt, Josh and Megan Miller and Joy, and two friends of the Millers, Matt and Evan. The Bernhardts visited Adeline at her home in the afternoon.
A group gathered for dinner at the café Aug. 30 to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Janzen of Phoenix, Ariz., who were in town for his sister Dorothy and Norman Ensz‘s 60th anniversary celebration. Those present were the Enszes, Irma and Bob Meisinger of Marion, Arlie and Eileen Janzen of Abilene, Wilbert and Donna Backhus, and Edna Backhus.
Mary Clemmer visited Lucille Kerbs Aug. 30.
Kathy Oborny took Jane Vajnar for dinner Aug. 30 in Hillsboro to celebrate Jane’s birthday.