Contributing writer
Several area young people entertained May 28 at the Prairie Pals meeting in the Lutheran church basement. Kaylee Hall opened by singing, “The Star-spangled Banner.” Shania Svitak and Cassie Thompson entertained with a duet-acting skit, and Shania did an oral interpretation selection from her forensics competition. Jacob Herbel closed with two violin selections. Others present included Iona Dietrich, Laveta Meyer, Lori Meyer, Tom and Dee Duggan, Deb Hall, Phyllis Branson, Jenny Svitak, Payton and Jonah, and Eleanor, Paula, and Danea Herbel. Mary Clemmer and Jane Vajnar were hostesses.
Elmer Gooding of Tempe, Ariz., spent several days in May visiting his sister, Lucille Kerbs. Russ Kerbs joined them May 24. Later that day, Elmer and Lucille met Connie Thompson and Taylor and Allison Sluder and Brooklyn for dinner in Abilene.
Cindy Vinduska of Marion, Lynn and Peggy Kleiber of Salina, Becky Routh of Augusta, Andrea Klenda and boys of Lincolnville, Adeline Bernhardt, and Leona Kleiber attended the Memorial Day service at Lewis Cemetery west of Ramona. After the service, everyone went to Leona’s home for dinner. They were joined by Dale Klenda. The Memorial Day program consisted of opening and closing prayer by Pastor Clark Davis, music by Bennie Holtsclaw, a speech by Pat Wick, and taps.
Kristen O’Hern spent Memorial Day weekend with her grandmother, Tillie Hein. She took Tillie to the Lincolnville High School alumni banquet May 22 in Lincolnville. A graduate of the class of 1927, Tillie was honored with a bouquet of flowers as the oldest alumna present.
Tim and Marchelle Kerbs of Salina were Memorial Day visitors of his mother, Lucille Kerbs.
Frank and Anna Mae Stika, Lori Moldenhauer, Nikki Stenzel, Greg Stenzel, Betty Stenzel, and Ronnie and Lisa Hanschu and Anna were among those attending Memorial Day services at Lewis Cemetery. Some of them gathered at the Stika home afterward for a barbecue dinner and supper.
Dinner guests May 26 of Paul and Edna Backhus were Bev and Tom Reid of Marion, Mike and Jennifer Jay and Cody of Hillsboro, Brad Backhus, Jason Backhus, and Alisha Barney.
Lucille Kerbs accompanied Jesse and Ashton Smith and Sydney of Pilsen and Russ and Julie Kerbs to Hillsboro May 26 for dinner.
Don Clemmer of Salina took his mother, Mary, to Emporia on May 26 to visit Mary’s 96-year-old sister, Adeline Wood, at a care home. Then they went to Memorial Lawn Cemetery and put flowers on the graves of Don’s grandparents, Jim and Erna Clemmer. They joined other relatives for a potluck dinner at the home of Mary’s sister, JoAnne Fowler. A cousin, Tom Bills of Howard, fried fish he and a friend had caught. Don and Mary Clemmer visited Chicago Mound Cemetery to decorate several family graves, then to Hartford Cemetery to visit C.W. Wood’s grave. The last stop was Neosho Rapids’ Mount Hope Cemetery, where several ancestors are buried, including Mary’s great-grandfather, David Van Gundy, a Civil War veteran born in 1820, and Rachel Van Gundy Rosenquist who, as a 13-year-old girl, along with her mother, using guns, held off some Indians when they came too often for food. The men were working away from home.
Leona Kleiber spent May 24 to 27 with Dean and Becky Routh, Allison, Melody, and Danielle of Augusta. On May 26, Aaron Routh, Easton, and Payton joined them at the Mpact celebration at Generations Church in Andover. Danielle was presented with the gold medal of honor, and Easton and Payton received class awards. After the service, all attended the reception in the fellowship hall. The Aaron Routh family joined the others for dinner.
Jane Vajnar spent Memorial Day weekend with Marc and Wendy Stroede of Kannapolis. She met their son, Jacob, and grandson, Tyler. Vajnar visited Jon and Wanda Sneath and Margaret Gourley at her workplace.
Sharon Scott of Salina met Jane at the cemetery Saturday and helped her put flags on veterans’ graves.
On Memorial Day, Vajnar attended the military service at the cemetery and the potluck at the fellowship hall, where she met many relatives and friends.
After-church visitors of Lucille Kerbs on May 26 were Rustyn Kerbs of Hillsboro, Jessie and Ashton Smith and Sydney of Pilsen, and Russ and Julie Kerbs.
Last modified June 6, 2013