• Last modified 2037 days ago (July 11, 2019)


Tax money helps improve center lot

A month after agreeing to give Marion Senior Center $700 in taxpayer money to help pay for $1,291 in parking lot rock, Senior Citizens of Marion County will consider additional requests for taxpayer funding July 19.

The group’s 10 a.m. meeting at Hillsboro Senior Center also will include discussion of an upcoming senior fair and of adjusting the group’s bylaws to provide representation for each of five new county commissioner districts instead of the three present districts.

At its June 21 meeting, also at Hillsboro Senior Center, the group chose Bob Delk of Hillsboro to represent the county as a “sensational sunflower” at the annual Sunflower Fair for seniors in Salina.

Health tips at the meeting included eating up to a third of a cup of nuts and dried fruits daily to relax blood vessels and prevent tiredness and confusion of high blood pressure.

The virtues of the dietary supplement CoQ-10 and of regular hand exercises also were extolled.

Lunch reservations for the July 19 meeting are being accepted through July 17 at (620) 947-2034. Transportation requests are being accepted through July 18 at (620) 382-3580.

Marion Senior Center

Milk available with all meals. Reservations accepted until 9 a.m. daily at (620) 382-2942.

Thursday — Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes with gravy, peas, fruit, roll.

Friday — Turkey pot pie, coleslaw, fruit, blueberry muffin.

Monday — Beef stew, grilled cheese sandwich, fruit.

Tuesday — Meatballs, baked potato, California blend vegetables, fruit, bread.

July 17— Scalloped chicken casserole, broccoli, tossed salad, fruit, cinnamon rolls.

July 18 — Soft tacos, corn, Mexican rice, fruit.

Last modified July 11, 2019