• Last modified 1139 days ago (Dec. 29, 2021)


Thrift shop celebrates another successful year

Staff writer

A new banner in St. Luke Auxiliary Shoppe celebrates raising $66,725.11 for hospital projects during 2021.

Auxiliary president Alora Robinson said money raised during 2021 was used to pay $25,000 for 3D mammography equipment, buy five TV sets for patient rooms and two washers for the laundry department, buy equipment for the hospital’s Senior Solutions program and outreach clinic offices, provide three $1,500 scholarships, remodel two patient rooms in the clinic, and fund a foundation benefit event.

Treasurer Peggy Blackman said the thrift shop raised $73,075.96 in 2017, $32,707.71 in 2018, $66,408.88 in 2019, and $79,064.16 in 2020.

“We are an all-volunteer organization,” Robinson said.

Volunteers gave 14,819 hours during the year, she said, but are aging, and younger volunteers are needed.

“Most of our volunteers are in their 70s and 80s, which is a concern,” Robinson said.

Other board members include secretary Margaret Pickering, vice president Janet Herzet, shop managers Mary Ann Conyers and Walter Hein, Mary Griffith, Feebie Meisinger, and Rose Vinduska.

Last modified Dec. 29, 2021