• Last modified 575 days ago (July 13, 2023)


Toiling when it's boiling isn't for the weak

Staff writer

Stand inside Taco’s Food Truck at That One Place in the summer, and you’re going to cook — just not literally.

Co-owner Joshua Tajchman has seen temperatures get up to 125 degrees near where the grill is in the metal trailer where he dishes up street tacos, wraps, nachos, daily specials, and more. Meanwhile, customers sit inside an air-conditioned building next to Tajchman’s kitchen.

You may be reading this story in your cool office or home.

On Tuesday, Tajchman trained a new employee on his culinary methods. It didn’t take long for the teenager — and a 56-year-old visitor — to feel hot.

“It’s not even that bad yet,” Tajchman said, smiling.

Today? Today is expected to be bad.

National Weather Service issued a heat advisory Tuesday that’s in effect from noon to 9 p.m. today calling for a heat index of 105 to 110 degrees.

Across Marion County, some people still must toil in those kind of temperatures.

The county’s road and bridge crew spent part of Tuesday dropping hot asphalt on Remington Rd. just south of 240th Rd.

Two flaggers stood on Remington with “SLOW” or “STOP” signs.

One of them was summer employee Callie Bernhardt, who barely broke a sweat.

County employees operating equipment such as rollers that tamp down asphalt wiped sweat from their brows and fanned themselves with their hats.

Cattle huddled under a tree nearby until traffic — and the aforementioned 56-year-old taking photographs — drove them off.

City workers Daniel Adame and Noah Slater worked their trash route, emptying a trash container behind Lanning Pharmacy on Main St.

Adame agreed it was starting to get warm.

Farmers and ranchers worked fields.

Police patrolled.

Ambulance drivers responded to calls.

Reporters reported.

The Centers for Disease Control offers these tips for beating the heat — especially if you must work outside.

  • Drink plenty of water, and don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink.
  • Avoid alcohol or liquids containing large amounts of sugar.
  • Wear and reapply sunscreen as indicated on the package.
  • Ask whether tasks can be scheduled for earlier or later in the day to avoid midday heat.
  • Wear a brimmed hat and loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing.
  • Spend time in air-conditioned buildings during breaks and after work.
  • Encourage co-workers to take breaks to cool off and drink water.

Last modified July 13, 2023