division cases
The following information has been filed in the traffic division of Marion County District Court:
Bradley Wayne Bennett, speed; fine and costs, $144.
Shawn Brown, speed; fine and costs, $155.
Kirk X. Craig, unknown statute (misdemeanor); fine and costs, $250.
Duane W. Drake, speed; fine and costs, $147.
Angela Embree, speed; fine and costs, $105.
Edward J. Flanagen IV, speed; fine and costs, $135.
Gary W. Gayer, speed; fine and costs, $105.
James E. Noble, violation of vehicle registration; fine and costs, $95.
Randall W. Rice, speed; fine and costs, $147.
Alex J. Ruther, speed; fine and costs, $105.
James C. Saunders, speed, failure to wear seatbelt; fine and costs, $135.
Andrew J. Smith, speed; fine and costs, $105.
Ryan P. Strom, speed; fine and costs, $219.
Shoine L. Toney, speed; fine and costs, $147.
Michael P. West, failure to yield to emergency vehicle; fine and costs, $255.