division cases
This information has been filed in traffic division of Marion County District Court. Dollar amounts are fine and costs:
Amber D. Allbright, no proof of license; $143.50.
Kale T. Arnold, two counts of failure to wear seatbelt; $120.
Dean A. Bina, failure to wear seatbelt; $5.
Tyler A. Bontrager, failure to wear seatbelt; $5.
Richard J.A. Cox, failure to wear seatbelt; $5.
Marion K. Kelsey, failure to wear seatbelt; $5.
Tanner R. Lambky, speed; $225.50.
Lindsey M. Liotta, speed; $185.
Russell L. Logan Jr., speed and child passenger safety violation; $360.50.
Kenneth L. Newell, failure to wear seatbelt; $5.
Rebecca A. Perrymoore, failure to wear seatbelt; $5.
Brett D. Perrymore, failure to wear seatbelt; $5.
Corey C. Shook, speed; $245.
Megan L. Smith, speed; $165.50.
William J. Wolke, failure to wear seatbelt; $5.
Roger A. Young III, failure to wear seatbelt; $5.