This information was filed last week in traffic division of district court. All fines include court costs. If no address listed, no address was available on court records.
Alley Elise Arvieux, Emporia, speeding (83 mph in a 65 mph zone) Dec. 3, $201.
Zachery Evan Bickford, speeding (87/65) Oct. 27, $231.
Jennifer Rae Dewitt, speeding (80/65) Oct. 28, $183.
Chloe Elise Mcgee, speeding (94/65) Dec. 23, $294.
Austin Richard Miller, speeding (80/65) Jan. 5, $183.
Samantha J. Ratzloff, speeding (79/65) Dec. 7, $177.
Nicholas Glen Riley, speeding (86/65) Oct. 27, $222.
James D. Short, unlawful registration Oct. 25, $0.
Carly D. Taylor, Hutchinson, failure to dim headlights Sept. 16, $183.
Amanda Mashell Wentworth, speeding (80/65) Oct. 30, $183.
Donavon Richard Wisher, speeding (90/65) Dec. 15, $258.
Last modified Jan. 17, 2019