Trail tour scheduled for Saturday
A viewing of Santa Fe Trail ruts will be available from 9:30 a.m. to noon Saturday southwest of Durham.
Participants will meet 1½ miles south of 290th and Falcon Rd. To get there, turn at the gas station in Durham, go left on Main St., then turn right at the blacktop and go two miles west on 290th to Falcon Rd., and south 1½ miles.
There will be a 1½-mile round trip walk to the pasture site of the Scully Blow Outs. You are asked to bring water and bug spray and wear comfortable shoes.
Additional tours are available. The auto caravan will travel from the Scully site to additional Santa Fe Trail sites, road conditions permitting.
The first stop will be Cottonwood Hole, followed by a stop where the Santa Fe Trail leaves Marion County. This will not involve much walking.
If the weather is inclement, Doug Sharp, at (620) 382-7609, can be contacted for information.
The event is sponsored by Marion County Historical Society.
Last modified Aug. 21, 2019