• Last modified 2097 days ago (March 7, 2019)


Two scholarships offered

Marion County Democrats met Feb. 16 in Marion Community Center. Chairman Eileen Sieger introduced Susan Levra Wallace, precinct member from Blaine Township.

Martin Holler led a discussion about scholarships to be offered to county high school seniors. Two $250 scholarships will be awarded for essays on two Kansas Democratic Party platform statements. The information will be sent to high school counselors.

The group discussed holding a forum for county commission candidates, possibly in October. Holding a summer fundraising event with a meal and speaker was suggested.

The steering committee of Sieger, Holler, Bryant, and Brian and Jill Tichenor have set the next meeting for Friday, followed by another meeting March 16, when Kansas legislator Jim Ward will speak. The location will be announced later.

Last modified March 7, 2019