• Last modified 452 days ago (Nov. 15, 2023)


Vet to pay for manure dumps

Staff writer

An ordinance to charge a veterinary clinic $50 for each time the city dumps manure drew a split 3-2 vote Monday at Marion’s city council meeting.

Council members Ruth Herbel and Jerry Kline were opposed.

Herbel asked city administrator Brogan Jones whether he had spoken to Spur Ridge Vet Hospital about the charge. Jones said there was nothing to speak about until the council passed the ordinance.

Herbel asked Jones how many times a year the manure container is emptied.

“I don’t know,” Jones said. “In my time, it’s been dumped twice.”

“I just want to bring one point out,” councilman Jerry Kline said. “We need to help businesses like that.”

Jones said that emptying the container was providing a service to the clinic.

“When I get the oil changed in my truck, they charge me,” Jones said.

Before the vote, Jones said the ordinance being voted on would be one modified by him and the city attorney, not a draft included in the agenda packet.

Jones said the charge would go into effect in January.

In other business, council members approved purchase of seventeen 50-feet and twelve 30-feet power poles. Jones said fourth grader Hazel Pilolla had won a Public Power Week drawing contest.

Without discussion, the council also approved monthly purchases totaling $103,329.25, including $1,167.38 in hoodies for the electric department, $65.49 for cookies bought by the general fund, $42.51 for candy bought by the police department, and $1,530 in fees for 34 consultations with City Attorney Brian Bina over 14 days.

Last modified Nov. 15, 2023