• Last modified 1303 days ago (Dec. 31, 2020)


WE ASKED:: What have you missed the most because of COVID-19?

“One thing I miss is living without masks and not worrying.”

Desiree Vizcara Marion

“We closed our indoor seating and that was really hard, we didn’t get to see as many people.”

Avery Unruh Hillsboro

“We’ve missed out on some nice trips to New York City and Florida.”

Roger Hannaford Marion

“I was supposed to go to Orlando to help my daughter move but I couldn’t.”

Ben Steketee Hillsboro

“Family time and spending holidays together.”

Jerry Hess

“It’s allowed me to see the things that I have been missing because of distractions.”

Austin Calam Hillsboro

“That’s easy, seeing my children and grandchildren.”

Linda Martinez Peabody

“You know, you can’t see someone smile. You can see their eyes smile at you, though.”

Colton Olsen Hillsboro

Last modified Dec. 31, 2020