25 years ago

Feb. 14, 1979

USD 410 Board of Education adopted a school dance policy at its Monday night session but delayed action on at least three other items until the March meeting. The dance policy, which was formulated by past student councils at HHS, was given formal approval upon the motion of Deena Hawkins, second of Marvin Ratzlaff, and a unanimous vote of the board.

Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Schultz went by plane to California Jan. 31 for the 60th anniversary celebration of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ediger, of Reedley.

Rollind and Kaye Bartel of rural Hillsboro announce the birth of their first child, Zachary Allen, born Feb. 7 at Salem Hospital. Grandparents are Elgin Bartel and Leona Ratzlaff, both of Hillsboro.

Open house in the recently completed student center at Bethel College will be observed Sunday, Feb. 25, from 2-4 p.m.

Feb. 10 the forensics squad traveled to Chase County High School to compete in the CVL forensics contest. Marion topped the competition which included the six CVL schools and five non-league schools.

Parents who "lose their cool" with their children can often find support from other parents. Two parent support groups designed to provide that support are scheduled to begin meeting in Marion County during the month of February, according to Carolyn Hopson-Walker.
