25 years ago
March 21, 1979
Louis and Lori Thurston announce the birth of their first child, Jessie Ann, born March 16 at Newman's Hospital in Emporia. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Art Suderman of rural Hillsboro. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thurston of Hillsboro.
The women of South Ash Street welcomed their new neighbor, Mrs. Elmer Friesen, last week at the home of Mrs. Menno Harder with a get-acquainted session and refreshments.
Lonn Richards, assistant professor of instrumental music and music education, will conduct a band workshop at the Derby Public High School Friday, March 30.
The Hillsboro High School girls' basketball team finished third in the state at the 3-A basketball tournament at Hutchinson last weekend. Members of the team are Carla Calam, Debbie Ratzlaff, Leann Funk, Sherri Enns, Lynn Isaac, Bev Just, Gayle Klassen, Michelle Helmer, Sandy Funk, Shelly Helmer, Kelly Laubhan. The coach is Leland Albrecht, and managers are Joni Pankratz and Eileen Funk. The girls defeated Yates Center 50-38, lost to Lindsborg 49-57, and defeated Sabetha 41-38.
Twenty-five years of service to the Hillsboro Star-Journal was completed by Kathryn Heinrichs when an appreciation coffee was held March 14.
Mrs. H.E. Nickel hosted the Friendship Club at the home of Mrs. Elsie Plenert March 14. Eleven members answered roll call with a joke. The afternoon was spent quilting. Mrs. Nickel served pistachio pudding with whipped topping, crackers, nuts, tea and coffee.
Mrs. Esther Lindteigen was a weekend guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Diemart in El Dorado.