25 years ago

Nov. 15, 1978

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Warkentin of Salina announce the birth of a daughter, Cynthia Louise, born Nov. 8. They have another daughter, Melissa Kay, 3. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Knak of Hillsboro and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Warkentin of Lehigh.

Students from Hillsboro High School who attended the Model U.N. at Emporia State University Nov. 1 included Christine Rooker, Cindy Beisel, Phillip Martin, Julie Brandt, Marilyn Schmidt, Denise Friesen, Rudi Hiebert, and Elizabeth Upton.

Hillsboro High School drama department is presenting "Spoon River Anthology" Nov. 16 and 17. The cast includes Dawn Abrahams, Debbie Ratzlaff, Carol Wiebe, Krista Pankratz, Tim Elias, Rudi Hiebert, Jeff Stotts, and Glen Guhr.

Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ediger were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mays of Enid, Okla. Mrs. Mays is a sister to Mr. Ediger.

Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce members, 56 of them at least, heard a plea for contributions to the growing Christmas decoration fund by Irv Schroeder at their Tuesday noon luncheon meeting at the Iron Kettle. Contributions and pledges totaled $1,200 before the meeting. An additional $500 was pledged leaving approximately $1,300 to be raised.
