25 years ago
Sept. 19, 1979
Permission for a conditional business use in a R-1 or residential area was denied Monday night by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Harley Koop, rural Hillsboro, had requested permission to establish a plumbing shop in an outbuilding on residential land he planned to purchase at 206 S. Date.
The 11th annual Hillsboro Arts and Crafts Fair will be from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sept. 22.
The 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Funk will be celebrated with an open house Sunday, Sept. 23, at Trinity Mennonite Church in Hillsboro. They were married Sept. 21, 1954, at Johannestal Mennonite Church near Hillsboro. Hosts will be their children: Gerald Funk of Oklahoma City, Okla.; Donavan and Pati Funk of Lehigh; and Janice and Bryan Funk.
Jeff and Angie Lindteigen and Mike and David Tripp of Lehigh spent Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. Esther Lindteigen.
Denise Medley of Hillsboro was owner and exhibitor of the Grand Champion FFA heifer at the Kansas State Fair. She was first place winner in Summer Yearling Heifers, Champion Hereford Senior Heifer, and 3rd place in market steers.
Mike Harris, president of Tabor College Minority Student Union, presented to the college two paintings donated by Wichita artist Donald Starr. The paintings are on display in the main hall of the administration building.
Jerry Fultz and Kayci Ann of Olathe were weekend guests of Betty Bernhardt.
Geneva R. Johnson and Darrel R. Just, both of Hillsboro, were married Sept. 8 at Ebenfeld Mennonite Brethren Church. The Revs. Richard Wieneke and Gary Wiens officiated. Parents of the couple of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Just, all of Hillsboro.