50 years ago

Oct. 22, 1953

There is a lot of building going on in the city of Hillsboro. We venture to say there are around 100 extra workers employed on the new school addition, the new Lutheran Church, the new Equity Elevator, and the new Salem Hospital.

The Schroeder Motor Company has presented the vocational agriculture department of the high school a new 1953 model GMC one-half ton pickup for use by the agriculture department in the transportation of students on field trips, out-of-town judging trips and for use of the agriculture instructor in supervising the farm projects of the vocational agriculture students.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bliss moved from 215 S. Cedar to 301 N. Main on Thursday of last week.

Barbara Lee Bonesteel celebrated her eighth birthday Oct. 20 by inviting a group of her playmates in for a TV party from four until five o'clock. The guests were Ann Janzen, Kay Francis Scharping, Roger Funk, Ruth Ann Funk, Sharon Jost, Judy Ann Franz, Roetta Cornelsen, Patty Penner, Alma Stelting, Annette Schlichting, Alan Eitzen, Rosie Marie Knaak, Dennis and Juanita Ediger and Brenda and Barbara Bonesteel.

Mr. and Mrs. John Richert and boys who arrived two weeks ago from Germany were the honored guests at a family reunion Sunday afternoon at the Mennonite Brethren Church. The Richerts are making their home on a farm near Whitewater.

Cpl. and Mrs. Clarence Walter who have been stationed in the Panama Canal Zone were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franz Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Flaming left Wednesday for a two-week visit with their daughter and husband, Rev. and Mrs. David Breese, in Grand Rapids, Mich.
