50 years ago
february 10, 1955
With a moisture reading of 1.20 inches the first 10 days of February, long faces have shortened considerably in this rural community with good reason. Following rain, snow, and sleet early last week which deposited some .30 of an inch of moisture here, the weatherman rolled up his sleeves and shoved a big snowfall this way again on Thursday which left Hillsboro with about 5 or 7 inches of snow on the ground.
Rev. John J. Gerbrandt, for the past two years manager of the Mennonite Brethren Book Store here, will terminate his service in that position March 1, and re-enter the ministry of the church. He and Mrs. Gerbrandt will move to Denver and take up the challenging work of organizing and establishing a Mennonite Brethren Church in the Colorado capital city.
Five officers and board members of Hillsboro Kiwanis Club were in Hutchinson on Tuesday of this week where they attended the Kansas District Mid-Winter Conference. Those attending were H. F. Janzen, president; Wes Loewen, vice president; Edmer Cornelsen, secretary; Herold Regier and Arthur Balzer, board members.
Two Hillsboro men, George S. Jost, county commissioner, and Harrison Pankratz, contractor, were among a group of approximately 170 Kansans visiting the Caterpillar factory in Peoria, Illinois last weekend.
The recently formed ministerial association, whose members include the pastors of community churches in the area, in addition to Hillsboro pastors, held its meeting Monday in the high school at a noon luncheon. Meeting with the group were the three Hillsboro public school administrators; Supt. Herold Regier, HHS principal H. B. Kliewer, and grade school principal Herbert Gosser.