50 years ago

february 24, 1955

New 1955 models of the Wasp, Hornet and Metropolitan, all featured cars by Hudson Motors, are on display in the show room of Herb's Auto Sales and Service this week.

Jerry Dyck, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Dyck, Lindsborg, has accepted a position to teach in the Marion public schools next school term. He will teach in Junior High. Dyck will receive his degree from Bethany College this spring. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dyck, Hillsboro.

Capping services for student nurses at the Halstead School of Nursing were held Thursday evening, February 17. Joan Hagen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hagen, was one of the group who received her cap.

Approximately 200 Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Den Mothers, Scoutmasters, other leaders and committeemen, along with their families gathered in the basement of the First Mennonite Church for the annual Blue and Gold banquet Tuesday evening, February 22.

Leslie Sperling, instrumental supervisor in Hillsboro schools, has been asked to act as judge for the McPherson County Grade School Music Festival in McPherson on March 3rd.

Mrs. J. J. Gerbrandt was honored at a social Friday evening in Fellowship Hall at the M. B. Church. She has been the assistant teacher of the Sunday school class for several years.

Progress is reported good toward repairs underway at the county court house in Marion. Plaster cracks are being repaired on the first floor and repainting in pastel colors is commencing.

Almost 500 delinquent tax notices for personal property were mailed Saturday, according to Dorothy Pollitt, County Treasurer.

Mrs. John S. Regier celebrated her 75th birthday anniversary Sunday, February 13, in the chapel of the Mennonite Brethren Church, Hillsboro. After relating several incidents in the life of Mrs. Regier, a birthday gift of seventy-five silver dollars was presented to her by members of her family. Fifty guests gathered for the occasion.
