50 years ago
Nov. 6, 1952
The Kansas Forestry, Fish and Game Commission announced the first of the week that all hunting in the state would be temporarily closed because of widespread drought conditions.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Abrahams, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Unruh, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Unruh, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Unruh, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Unruh, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bartel attended a Halloween masquerade party at the Reinhold Schmidt home in Whitewater Thursday evening.
Miss Edith Hansen of Hillsboro is one of 12 new members of Omicorn Nu national home economics scholastic honorary. Members are elected from the upper 20 percent of the home ec senior class.
Dr. N.E. Abrahams and Mr. and Mrs. John Gaeddert attended the dedication services of the fireplace at Camp Mennoscah near Murdock on Wednesday evening.
Few men in American history have stepped from one of the highest military posts to the highest civil post their country could offer them. Such is the man who, Tuesday, was elected by the American voters as their 34th President, Dwight David Eisenhower. His running mate was Sen. Richard Milhous Nixon from California.
J.H. Franzen, present county superintendent, was opposed by C.C. Rice, the principal of the Hillsboro Grade School in the election. Mr. Rice received a majority of the local vote and went on to pile up a substantial majority of the precincts in the county.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krause have purchased Peggy's Flower and Gift Shop and will take possession Nov. 10.