50 years ago
Jan. 22, 1953
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stucky and Jerome were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Funk and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and children.
Miss Wilma Friesen and Linda Friesen were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ewert.
Mrs. Helen Remple Gerhart and Helen were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vogt and daughters.
Mrs. and Mrs. Rollind Olson and daughter spent Sunday afternoon at the Wm. Erickson home in Marquette.
Mrs. Nettie Friesen, Mrs. Violetta Groening and Mrs. John Groening were Friday supper guests at the Frank U. Groening home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Herbel entertained at a pot luck supper Sunday evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Levi Buller, Mr. and Mrs. Art Penner and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Scharping.
The Ben Bartels have traded their Mercury for a late model Buick sedan.
Mrs. Jake Herbel was hostess to the afternoon bridge club Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Brecht fell Sunday and broke her leg. The accident happened as she was getting out of a car at the Lutheran Church. She was taken to the local hospital.
Robert L. Funk of Hillsboro will receive a bachelor of architecture degree at graduation exercises at Kansas State University in Manhattan. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Funk of Hillsboro.
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Classen and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schroeder and Cynthia of Hillsboro spent Sunday in Topeka with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Penner and family and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Classen.