50 years ago
Aug. 26, 1954
Candidates for Marion County Fair queen include Jeanette Weinbrenner of Lehigh, Jo Ann Hiebert of Hillsboro, Barbara Funk of Hillsboro, Lois Unruh of Hillsboro, Karen Suderman of Hillsboro, and Doris Geis of Durham
Gary David Herbel and Donald Clyde Herbel from Hillsboro have been called for induction in military service.
Arthur H. Penner, retired Hillsboro business man, has been recommended to fill the vacancy of acting-postmaster created by the resignation of Robert D. Dalke who has been appointed as a federal postal inspector.
Esther Bartel left Thursday for Meade where she will teach in a rural school for the coming year.
Cpl. Lowell Schmidt of Fort Riley is spending a 20-day furlough with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben B. Schmidt.
The annual opening services for the Hillsboro Public School year will be held in the high school auditorium on Sunday, Sept. 5, beginning at 8 p.m. All churches of the community have been invited since the program is of special interest to pupils, parents, and all patrons of the school.
Herb Friesen, chairman of the commercial parade which will be held on Thursday, Sept. 2, during the Marion County Fair announced today that Kansas Centennial theme will be carried out in the mile-long procession. Friesen requests people to wear their centennial costumes during the fair.
Work day for the Marion County Fair has been set for 7 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 28. All business houses are asked to send as much manpower to help as possible but they are not asked to close. There is plenty of work to be done and fair officials invite all who can to assist with the setting up for the fair.
Oliver R. Unruh of Hillsboro has just purchased the young Guernsey sire, Honora's Honor of C.D. from J. L. Nelson of Wichita.