A chilly task

Everyone knew it was coming. The town had been buzzing about it for days, preparing for the possibility. Waiting with wary anticipation.

But when the storm finally rolled in Tuesday evening, nobody could have predicted the incredible freezing messiness of it all.

Snow isn't too bad — it's fun to play in, easy to shovel, simple to just brush off your windshield in the morning.

But Wednesday morning, commuters found a steady drizzle of ice coming down from the sky, not just pretty white flakes.

And the Hillsboro city crews were on it immediately.

Up at 5:30 a.m., they started their work in miserable conditions, clearing the way for those who had to drive on city streets whether they wanted to or not.

These city workers have a thankless job. They work in bitterly cold conditions while the rest of us stay cozy in our homes or workplaces.

And they probably don't get too many thank yous. In fact, the only feedback they get from some residents might be complaints of "Why didn't you do a better job on my street?"

So consider this a thank you for a job well done.

