Actions speak louder
ne hundred and twenty people voted in last Tuesday's city elections.
One hundred and twenty out of nearly 3,000 residents.
Looking at weak numbers like those, most newspaper editors would now commence what I call "The Rant": speaking indignantly about the community's failure to get involved, apathy toward elected officials, and the like.
I am not that editor.
Whether you voted or not is your business. It's a decision you made, and you have the right to do what you want.
What I will say is this: If you didn't vote in Tuesday's election, you have now forfeited your right to complain.
If you didn't vote, you don't have the right to criticize the latest city construction project.
If you didn't vote, you can't gripe about how the city spends its money.
If you didn't vote, you can't discuss the merits of one councilmember over another, saying which one's got a good head on his shoulders and which one is a complete idiot.
That's because you didn't vote.
You had the chance to make an actual difference, instead of resorting to the usual rhetoric and griping that goes on in countless coffee shops and restaurants around the county.
As the cliché goes, actions speak louder than words.