County jail
The following individuals were arrested and booked into Marion County Jail:
Randi McCarty, 18, Marion, 48-hour court commitment.
Anthony Nowak, 28, Hillsboro, battery and insufficient funds.
John Darnall, 39, Florence, possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Aaron Cooper, 27, Abilene, failure to appear.
Barbara Hatch, 48, Peabody, failure to appear.
Eric Williams, 18, Marion, driving under influence, transporting open container, and minor in possession.
Steven Herbison, 46, Cottonwood Falls, 7-day court commitment.
Jeremiah Strotkamp, 29, Caldwell, Texas, revoke probation and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Jeffery Turk, 20, Marion, driving while license suspended and speed.
Joshua Iverson, 22, Herington, driving while license suspended, no insurance, and window tint too dark.