
The following deeds were reported as recorded by the office of Marion County Register of Deeds:

Justina Klaassen to Tabor College Inc., WD; Lot 6 and N/2 Lot 7, Blk. 9, Riesen's Addn., Hillsboro.

Elmer R. Coates et al, trustees to Rosanne K. Krehbiel et al, WD; Lot 7, Blk. I, Eastshore Development, Marion Reservoir.

Lee Dalrymple and wife to Allen Church dba Al's Home Repair, QCD; S 43' Lot 15, Blk. 37, Southern Addn., Marion.

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Inc. to Irene Lehrman, WD; pt. E/2 NW/4, 8-21-1.

William T. Shirley and wife to David C. Hett and wife, WD; pt. SW/4, 2-21-3.

Sheriff Marion County to Federal National Mortgage Assn., Sheriff's Deed; S 28' Lot 14 and N 30' Lot 15, Blk. 12, Beebe's Addn., Hillsboro.

Marion Assisted Living, LLC to City of Marion, WD; Lot 1, Blk. A, Marion Investments Subdivision, Marion.

Roberta R. Roberts to Tim J. Isaac and wife, WD; Lots 17 and 18, West Side Addn., Hillsboro.

Mary Melton Lynam et al to Dale R. Johnson and wife, WD; Lot 105 and pt. Lot 170, Miller's First Addn., Marion.

Mary Melton Lynam et al to Dale R. Johnson and wife, QCD; pt. Lot 107, Miller's First Addn., Marion.

Benny J. Pontious et al to Kenneth A. Koslowsky and wife, QCD; S 10' Lot 4 and all Lot 5, Blk. 5, Dalke's Addn., Hillsboro.

Norman L. Hacker and wife to Daniel E. Maltbie et al, WD; Lots 36 and 37, Lakeside Subdivision, Marion County Park and Lake.

Herbert Friesen and wife to Dennis Gora, WD; W 60' Lots 13 and 14, Blk. 11, Original Town, Hillsboro.
