The following deeds were reported as recorded by the office of Marion County Register of Deeds:
Wendell J. Wedel and wife to Wendell J. Wedel and wife, WD; Lot 6, Blk. 22, Durham, also 1/2 interest in north wall of building on Lot 6.
Daniel C. Penner et al to Douglas D. Penner, Transfer on Death Warranty Deed; S/2 S/2 SW/4, 18-20-3.
Martha Penner to Steven B. Penner, Transfer on Death Warranty Deed; N/2 SW/4 and SW/4 SW/4, 29-21-3.
Tampa State Bank to Delmer Fink and wife, WD; Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 12, Freeborn's Addition, Marion.
Tampa State Bank to Delmer Fink and wife, WD; Lot 7, Blk. 2, County Clerk's 1st Hillsboro Plat, Hillsboro.
Raymond C. Martin and as trustee to Raymond C. Martin trustee; QCD; Tract 1: NW/4 exc. and S/2, 3-17-4; Tract 2: W/2 NE/4, 10-17-4; Tract 3: E/2, 2-17-4 (mineral interest only); Tract 4: NW/4, 10-17-4
Don Lemley to Frank Oursler and wife, WD; Lots 5 and 6, Blk. 9, North Peabody, Peabody and pt. vacated alley.
Trustees of Centre Lodge #147 of Ancient, Free and Accepted Mason of Marion to Jerod W. Larson and wife, WD; Lot 50, Miller's First Addition, Marion.
Aaron Helmer and wife to Aaron Helmer and wife, WD; E 97' Lot 10 and E 97' of S/2 Lot 11, Blk. 22, Southern Addition, Marion.
JP Morgan Chase Bank to David N. Ferren and wife, WD; S 37 1/2' Lot 163 and all Lot 164, Range 5, Original Town, St. Francis City, Burns.
Larry E. King and wife to Travis P. White and wife, WD; pt. SE/4, 9-20-4 (aka Lot 6, Schlotthauer Subdivision #3).
Foye E. Lovelady and wife to Kristi A. Russell et al, WD; Lots 5, 6, and N/2 Lot 7, Blk. 24, Southern Addition, Marion; S/2 Lot 16 and all Lot 17, Lakeside Subdivision, Marion County Park and Lake.
Michael J. Regnier and wife to Shane J. Klein and wife, WD; Lot 2, Rocky Meadow Addition, Marion.
Larry Steiner and wife to Donald Mueller and wife, WD; Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, Blk. 3, Meehan Addition, Tampa.
Pamela Grether and husband to Kenneth J. Schwarz and wife, WD; Lot 9, Echo Lane Subdivision and Lot 3, Zeller's Second Subdivision, Marion County Park and Lake.
Mark L. Brunhoeber and wife to Bertha Koehn et al, WD; Lot 43 and S 65' Lot 44, Range 2, and part of vacated Liberty Street; Lot 66 and N 50' Lot 69, Range 3 and part of vacated Liberty Street, Original Town, St. Francis City, Burns.
Jerry D. Plett and wife to Randy L. Svitak et al, trustees, WD; NW/4, NW/4, 14-17-4.