Deeds recorded

The following deeds were reported as recorded by the office of Marion County Register of Deeds:

Philip E. Ascher and wife to Philip E. Ascher et al, trustees, WD; Lot 17, Blk. F, Eastshore Development, Marion.

Kory Unruh and wife to Eric L. Driggers and wife, WD; Lot 6, Blk. 2, Prieb's Addn., Hillsboro.

Doris E. Ewert to Kendall Hein, WD; Lots 4 and 5, exc. the E 8' of Lot 5, Blk. 30, Southern Addn., Marion, and pt. of vacated alley.

George E. Waner et al, trustees to Kimberly D. Harden, trustee's deed; pt. SW/4, 7-19-4.
