Domestic division

The following information has been filed in the Domestic Division of Marion County District Court:

Anthony P. Wang vs. Michelle Wang, petition for divorce; petitioner is granted temporary possession of residence and vehicle in his possession, respondent shall have 1993 Honda.

Michelle Wang vs. Anthony P. Wang, protection from abuse; hearing and temporary orders of protection at 1:15 p.m. Sept. 11.

Janice McGinnis vs. Michael S. Nelson, final protection from abuse order, plaintiff is granted possession of 331 N. Lincoln, Marion.

Kristina K. Steiner vs. Terry Steiner, petition for divorce; dismissed for lack of prosecution.

State of Kansas ex rel vs. Victor G. Hernandez, bond appearance set for 8 a.m. Sept. 19.

Pamela D. Abbott vs. Donald Abbott, motion to enforce divorce decree at 10:30 a.m. Sept. 26.

Candy Lee Tucker vs. Daniel Lee Tucker, motion to appoint a guardian ad litem, 10 a.m. Oct. 24.

Chi R. Partridge vs. Warren D. Partridge, journal entry modifying child custody and support, joint custody with children making primary residence with father, mother shall pay support of $156 per month to begin Aug. 1 with child support sheet attached.
