Letter to the editor
To the Editor:
We are writing to voice our serious concern about the attitude Donna Bernhardt showed in her editorial published Dec. 28, 2005.
First of all, she and the paper are entitled to their opinion. Conversely, the public is also entitled to their opinion on the casino issue. Those who voted no should not be ridiculed for their stand on the issue.
We think she would have done better to be positive and reiterated her reasons why we should have voted yes if she felt she needed to state them again.
We certainly do not consider ourselves to be "high and mighty" as she put it. Certainly there are two sides to the issue. Quoting from the Wichita paper doesn't come close to the facts. All of us support economic development as seen by the efforts of the county and the individual cities.
We would think the paper would be more supportive of the majority vote. We have continued our subscription of the Hillsboro Star-Journal because we believe it to be the historical paper. However, if our views are that bad, why would we continue to subscribe and support this and other negative viewpoints?
John and Caryl Wiebe