Northwest of Durham
Durham correspondent
June 13-19
It was a perfect Sunday for dinners, picnics, and barbecues in honor of Father's Day. The Gene Redger family got together at the farm Sunday for a cookout.
Bruce and Cheryl Dirks, Ruston and Lydia Dirks, and Melvin and Vera Dirks met for Sunday dinner at the home of Brad and Joyce Dirks, Josh, Ashley, and Misty near Canton.
The Harry Wedel family got together at the Sugar Creek School near Galva Sunday for a basket dinner.
Ron and Dora Unruh were at the home of Jim and Brenda Enns and Darren Sunday evening for grilled hamburgers. Other guests were David and Ashley Enns and family. They were joined later for dessert by Lauren and Loretta Enns.
Clayton and Betty Wiebe celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary this past weekend. Her sister, Mae and Errol Wedel of Yuma, Ariz., and Loretta Wiebe, who is Mae's caretaker, arrived Tuesday at the Wiebe home to spend about a week.
Saturday evening supper guests at the Wiebe home were the immediate Wiebe family, Pete Koehn, and the Jeff Litwiller family from Michigan. On Sunday, the extended Wiebe and Koehn families had a dinner and celebration at the school. In the afternoon, all enjoyed some singing and memories, after which cake and ice cream were served. All of the Wiebe brothers and sisters except Lucille and all of Betty's brothers and sisters were present.
On Monday, the Clayton Wiebes, Lester and Chris Friesen, Ken and Sandy Wiebe, and Ransom and Lillian Wiebe had breakfast at the Main Street Café. The Friesens then left for their home in Farwell, Texas.
Roy and Nadine Davis hosted a Davis picnic supper Monday at the park in Durham. Others attending were Richard and Charlotte Wiebe and family, Gerald Davis of Hillsboro, Harold Davis of McPherson, Troy and Marla Wiebe and family, Dalton and Loma Wiebe and Kyran, and Rick and LaVea Koehn. It was a belated anniversary celebration for Richard and Charlotte.
Wendell and Linda Wedel and Greg and Charlene Wedel and family were Father's Day dinner guests of Travis and Connie Becker at Halstead.
Sunday dinner guests of Roy and Nadine Davis were Rick and LaVae Koehn.
Gene and Jaraine Redger attended the five o'clock wedding Saturday of their granddaughter, Christy Stanford to Theodore Jones at the Methodist church in Halstead. She is the daughter of Ramie (Redger) Stanford.
Galen and Marlene Unruh of Salina were Sunday guests of Marcella Unruh. All attended church services together at Durham.