NW of Durham
Durham correspondent
On Sunday, Roy and Nadine Davis, Rhonda and Eileen, Rick and LaVae Koehn, Greg and Charlene and Caden, Wendell and Linda Wedel and Travis and Connie Becker took dinner to Moundridge Manor to enjoy with Amanda Wedel who was celebrating her birthday. Last Friday, Nadine, Linda, and Charlene went to the manor for their birthday party for residents who had June birthdays, which included Amanda.
Sunday evening, Rustyn and Lydia Dirks, who were married June 13 in Kentucky, were honored with a reception at Morning Star Church.
Weekend guests of Clayton and Betty Wiebe were Steven and Phoebe Unruh of Scott City. On Sunday, their daughter Denise Unruh, Mitchell and Carol Unruh, Ken and Sandy Wiebe, and Orlin and Annabelle Becker of Hillsboro joined the Wiebes and their house guests for dinner.
Some of those from here that attended the Saturday afternoon wedding at the Parkview Church of Allison Dirks and Robbie Peterson were Barb Unruh and Roy and Nadine Davis, Rhonda and Eileen.
Saturday evening, Katelin Unruh joined the rest of the youth group of Trinity and First Mennonite for a farewell get-together honoring Gesine Kuehl of Hamburg, Germany. She was one of the foreign exchange students at Hillsboro High School this past year and is returning to her home later this summer after some sightseeing in the U.S.
Marcella Unruh went to the wedding of Robyn Unruh and Brian Pekarek Saturday afternoon at the Methodist Church in Hillsboro. The reception was held after the ceremony at the rural Durham home of Robyn's parents, Bob and Priscilla Unruh. On Friday, Marcella also attended the rehearsal at the Methodist Church. The couple will make their home in Derby where both will be teaching.
Gerry and Elaine Classen and family of Mississippi came Friday to spend the weekend with their father, Irvin Isaac. On Saturday evening, Mike and Mitch Rhodes hosted a picnic supper at their home. Other guests beside the Classens were Irvin Isaac, Stuart and Lea Isaac and family, Merlin and Karletta Wiebe and family. Jerald and Rhonda Koehn and family, Doyle and Kara Wiebe and family, and Richard and Charlotte Wiebe and family.
Ron and Dora Unruh visited Marcella Unruh Sunday evening. Elmer and Ann Bartel also were recent visitors.
Guests for Sunday dinner at the home of Calvin and Janene Wiebe were Merlin and Karletta Wiebe and family and Nelson and Bev Wiebe and family.