Parkside News

Parkside News


pastor appreciation social held Thursday


Activity director

Parkside residents played to the penny give and take game on Monday. The theme of the game was vacation.

Esther Ollenburger, Dave Classen, and Art Wiebe were the winners of the domino games played Tuesday afternoon.

Pastor Roy Keller brought the Bible class lesson Wednesday afternoon from Proverbs. Vanilla ice cream was served after the class.

Thursday afternoon, Parkside held its annual pastor's appreciation social. Janice Porter brought a program on church antiques, assisted by her husband, Pastor Bruce Porter.

The kindergarten students paraded in our halls with their costumes on for Halloween Friday morning. The afternoon bingo games were called by Maryann Unruh. Jo Suderman was the blackout winner. All players received a banana for participating. The weekend quiz was delivered.

Theater popcorn was served Saturday afternoon, and the Zion Lutheran Church brought the Sunday afternoon service.
