Round the Town


The Bethel College Nursing Department honored 29 nursing students at a lamp lighting service on Sunday at the administration building chapel in Newton. Hillsboro girls honored were Amber Jost, Erin Bartel, and Becky Jantz. Erin's family who attended were Doug and Pam Bartel and Chelsey, Myrta Bartel of Hillsboro, Ryan and Tanya Bartel of Overland Park and Otis Beverly from Bethel College. Becky's family attending the ceremony were Bob and Judy Jantz, Amy Richards, and Art and Linda Jantz, all of Hillsboro, and Rhoda Rafaelsen form McPherson, Mike Klein from Newton, and Bob and LaDonna Klein of Durham.

Beverly Elliott's weekend guests were her son and family, Jamie and Tracy Mull, Chris and Cole from Howard. Beverly and her guests were Saturday evening supper quests at the Oliver Unruhs.

Members from the Noon and Evening Lions Clubs who attended the District Lions convention in Emporia over the weekend were Norma Cabeen, Tonya and David Wienck, Marvin and Elfrieda Funk, Verden and Pauline Harms, all of Hillsboro, and Shirley Hein of Durham.

Amber's family attending the ceremony were Lowell and Eleanor Jost and Karis, Mary Seibel, Justin Milne, Logan and Lexi, Kim Milne and Nikki Streeter.

On Saturday, Malvin and Darlene Schmidt joined other family and friends at a birthday party for Darlene's niece, Ruth Heidebrecht, at Inman. On Sunday, the Schmidts visited their son, Jerry Schmidt, in Salina.

Marcella Mohn, Beverly Elliot, and Jane Miller were honored guests for their birthdays at a noon luncheon at Olde Towne on Wednesday. Those honoring them were Virginia Fadenrecht, Elma Klein, Carol Ollenburger, Pearl Koch, Doris David, Arlene Pankratz, Betty Meier, Shirley Hamm, Connie Wiens, and Frances Unruh.
