Round the Town


Wayne and Carol Ollenburger, Elma Klein, Gerald and Neil Ollenburger all of Hillsboro and Jessi Ollenburger and C.J. Bentine of Wichita spent the weekend at Ft. Collins, Colo., where they attended the wedding of Cameron Klein and Valorie Dorcey. Cameron is the son of Darold and Beverly Klein of Ft. Collins.

Trudy and Andrew Pankratz of Abilene visited at the Paul Pankratzes Tuesday morning.

Fathers' Day guests one week early at the Dave Weiberts were Susan White and Marty and Reta White of Wichita, Dennis and Sheryle White of McPherson, Kim Mohan and children Katlyn and Matthew of Topeka; David and Nancy White of Haven; and Wade Weibert of Hillsboro.

On Sunday Oliver and Frances Unruh and Beverly Elliott met Paul and Chrystal Aimsworth, Nick and Aleck from Rogers, Ark., in Newton, and they had lunch together.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hanneman were Fathers' Day evening dinner guests at the home of Delbert and Becky Hanneman in Wichita. Gloria Hanneman was also a guest.

Clara and Alma Toews were among other guests for Sunday dinner at the home of Jason and Lucy Riggs at Hesston.

Monday guests at Elma Warkentin's were Marlene Froese from Phoenix, Ariz., Deloras Goertzen from Henderson, Neb., Lindsey Goertzen and Ron Warkentin from Hillsboro, and Bob and Coleen Warkentin from Salina.
