Round the Town


June 20-27

Georgie Medley of Liberty, Mo., spent several days with the Virgil Oblanders. She came especially to attend her 60th class reunion of Durham High School.

The Stephen Kieffer family of Clifton were Father's Day guests at the home of Gene and Beryl Steiner.

Jake Koslofsky and Marlin of Newton visited Mary Seibel Sunday afternoon.

Larry and Karen Ensz hosted a belated Mother's Day dinner Sunday. Those attending were Galen and Teresa Ensz and family, Marvin and Pearl Ensz, Carol, Verna, and Lois Ensz, and Alma and Clara Toews.

Hannah, Jessie, and David Perry were overnight guests of their grandparents, Willis and Ruth Ann Penner.

Don and Lenora Klassen were coffee guests Sunday evening at the Willis Penner home.

Wayne and Carol Ollenburger also attended the Hamm reunion at Wells several weeks ago.

Paul and Arlene Pankratz were Friday dinner guests of Oliver and Marcella Mohn at Yoder to celebrate Arlene's birthday.
