Round the town


Willie and Rodi Longenecker of Ontario, Canada, were Sunday and Monday night guests at the Willis Penner home. They spent the days giving programs at various churches and nursing homes.

Bernice McDowell spent a week with Brian and Shirley Lewis at Wichita.

Herb and Trudy Pankratz of Abilene and their son, Andrew who attends Tabor College were Sunday dinner guests at the Paul Pankratz home.

Jessie Brengeman of Wichita and Gerald Ollenberger were Friday evening supper guests at the Wayne Ollenberger home.

Mary Helen Becker of Hillsboro accompanied Anna Mae Goertz of Durham to Salem Home Sunday afternoon where they attended Virginia Frick's birthday celebration.

Kent and Ginger Becker of Durham visited Mary Helen Becker Sunday afternoon.

Leonard and Hazel Hein attended a birthday party for their great-granddaughter, Grace Hein's second birthday, at the home of her parents, Tony and Brandi Hein at Newton.

Leonard and Hazel Hein hosted their family Thanksgiving Sunday. Family members in attendance were Kevan and Vickie Hein and John of Durham, Todd and Jayleen Hein and Andrew Hein of Tampa, Tony and Brandi Hein, Henry and Grace of Newton, and Monica Hein of Lawrence.
