Thank you, readers
I remember it clearly: It was early June, and I was interviewing over the phone with Eric Meyer, co-owner of this paper, in hopes of landing a reporting job in Marion County.
I expected the typical job interview questions, and then a brief overview of the paper I was applying to work for.
I knew the paper was a weekly, so I expected to hear about circulation numbers, editors, types of stories I'd write, etc.
That's when I heard something that blew me away: Many of the paper's subscribers came to the office to pick up their papers.
What? They didn't just wait for it to be delivered? They actually drove over on publication day, just hours after the paper had left the printing press, to get their newspaper?
That kind of reader dedication surprised me — and it was one of the main factors that drew me to work for such a paper.
And now as news editor in Hillsboro, I've learned to appreciate that kind of dedicated reader even more.
So consider this a personal thank you for reading the Star-Journal.
Thank you for calling Thursday morning to find out if the paper's here yet. That means you're eager to see what we've produced for you.
Thank you for getting upset when your paper doesn't arrive in your mailbox as we've promised. I'm glad that you look forward to receiving our paper, and I'm glad you keep us in line when we mess up.
Thank you for bringing us your wedding, engagement, and birth announcements. I'm honored that you'd choose us to tell the county and beyond your great news.
Thank you for your encouraging words when we cover the news you want to read.
Thank you for keeping us accountable when we make a mistake. That way, we're more vigilant in the future to ensure that the same mistake won't be made again.
Maybe this list is way past due — Thanksgiving, after all, was three months ago — but it's time we said thanks for reading our paper.
Each week, we pour ourselves into this paper to make sure that it's something worth your time and money.
You pay for this paper, and because you've spent your hard-earned money to buy it, we're going to make it the best we possibly can.
That's my personal pledge to you.