Traffic division

The following information has been filed in the traffic division of Marion County District Court:

Lisa D. Bullock, speed; fine and costs, $126.

Breanna B. Davis, speed; fine and costs, $194.

Joy E. Downing, speed; fine and costs, $239.

Nicole Ann Jessen, speed; fine and costs, $146.

John E. Kutz, speed, failure to wear a seat belt; fine and costs, $142.

Jerome W. Latham III, speed; fine and costs, $306.

Shelby L. McKinney, speed; fine and costs, $126.

Deborah N. Muhwezi, speed; fine and costs, $120.

Michael Eugene Richmond, driving while license suspended; fine and costs, $250.65

Jessica R. Tittsworth, speed; fine and costs, $126.

Aaron W. Tracy, speed; fine and costs, $138.

Vance A. Truskett, driving on left in no passing zone; fine and costs, $126.
