Traffic division
The following information has been filed in the Traffic Division of Marion County District Court:
Kenneth A. Birt, over weight limits on wheels and axles; fine and costs, $123.
Lee A. Clark, speed; fine and costs, $138.
Caleb M. Kidd, speed; fine and costs, $201.
Keegan O. Knox, unlawful acts with vehicle; fine and costs, $76.
Christopher L. Koop, passing on left with insufficient clearance; fine and costs, $126.
Merlin D. Miller, passing on left with insufficient clearance; fine and costs, $126.
Randy Owen, defective muffler; fine and costs, $96.
Mary E. Owens, failure to wear seat belt; fine and costs, $10.
Rayletta A. Ratzlaff, speed; fine and costs, $156.
Jeri L. Trumbly, speed; fine and costs; $126.
Tammy L. Tuck, speed; fine and costs, $201.
Arland L. Tyler, speed; fine and costs, $144.
Derek S. Upchurch, speed; fine and costs, $132.
Dallas S. Wells, speed; fine and costs, $144.
Cody B. Woodruff, improper stop lamp or turn signal; fine and costs, $96.