Wanted: your lights

It's that time of year again — time to unpack the tinsel, test the glass bulbs, and put up those Christmas lights.

Hillsboro residents across town are getting into the holiday decorating spirit. But as we all know, not all brightly lighted houses look alike.

You've got your understated houses, with just a strand of white lights lining the roof line and front door.

Then there's the theme home, maybe with a lighted nativity scene to depict the Christmas story.

And then there's the all-important "put up as many lights as you can just like Clark Griswold" house. That's where every square inch is covered with a bulb, wire, or life-sized Santa Claus.

Do you have a favorite in town? We want to hear about it.

As is our tradition, the Star-Journal wants to highlight (pun not intended) the best and brightest (again, sorry) displays of lights around the area.

So we're again sponsoring our "Holiday Lights" contest — and we want your nomination.

Is there a particular house that blows you away every time you drive by? A certain residence that you think is amazingly beautiful or so bright that even the space shuttle could spy its wattage from orbit?

Let us know!

Send in your nominations to the Star-Journal office. You can mail them (P.O. Box 10), e-mail them (, call them in (947-3975), or just drop them by the office. Please include the house's address and the names of the owners if you know them.

The house with the most votes each week will win a one-year subscription to the paper. We'll take a picture of that house and publish it on the front page.

The contest will run for the next three issues of the paper, ending with the Christmas edition that comes out on Monday, Dec. 23.

So nominate your friend, nominate your mom — heck, even nominate yourself if you want. We want to know about the best lights in town.

