• Last modified 140 days ago (Oct. 24, 2024)


nov. 5, 1914

Marion National Bank sent its first assessment this week to Kansas City as a member of the new Federal Reserve Bank. These assessments must be paid in gold or gold certificates. The Marion bank sent its in gold. Membership gives the bank various privileges in the matter of securing money for loans by turning in local commercial paper endorsed by the bank as security.

Thomas Dickerson, one of this county’s fine pioneer citizens, died Nov. 1 at his home here after an illness of six or seven months.

Marion walloped Wichita 6-0 in a game played Saturday afternoon on the local grounds. It was one of the best games ever played here.

Marion relatives have received word from Washington that Henderson Martin left Manila on Oct. 30 and is expected to arrive in San Francisco in November. The message states that he is coming to bring information to Congress in connection with the Philippine Army bill now pending. It goes without saying that his old friends will be mighty glad to see him.

As returns came in from over the county Tuesday night, they sounded like old times. Republicans won in the county by great, big majorities. They elected every county officer with the exception of county treasurer.

Last modified Oct. 24, 2024