• Last modified 57 days ago (Jan. 15, 2025)


Jan. 23, 1880

Jacob Jacobs, near Marion Centre, certainly owns one of the most prolific ewes in the State.

Three times, she has given birth to triplets — the unusual occurrence happening the third time a few days ago, making five lambs this valuable ewe has borne her owner the past 12 months.

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County Attorney Reed has been having another prolonged tussle with the Peabody whiskeyites.

A gentleman from the country imbibed too freely of somebody’s tanglefoot last Saturday and was brought up finally to the city’s stone receptacle for such unfortunates.

He was the first drunken man we have seen on the streets for some time. Where he got his liquor is what law-abiding citizens would like to know.

Last modified Jan. 15, 2025