• Last modified 8 days ago (Jan. 30, 2025)


Feb. 6, 1880

Last Monday, that ancient and eminent scientist, the groundhog, made another annual appearance upon the top of terra firma and beholding his shadow retired to the seclusion of his underground habitation, there to remain till the rigors of six more weeks of winter are past.

A number of wells are being dug in town. ’Tis well.

A proposition to vote $11,000 in bonds to build another school house in Marion Centre was defeated last Monday by a vote of 233-81. Had the matter been more fully discussed, we believe the result would have been different.

John S. Christie has at last received his long-delayed safe and has opened his bank for business. He has a neat and comfortable room, centrally located, and starts under favorable auspices.

Corbett and Bown have moved into their new stone building on the corner of Main and 4th Sts. They now have unquestionably the most finely finished store room in the county.

Last modified Jan. 30, 2025