• Last modified 140 days ago (Oct. 24, 2024)


OCT. 29, 1964

Marion police officers have issued several tickets for over-parking in the 30-minute zones on each side of Main St. between 1st and 5th Sts.

The zones are provided for the convenience of short-time downtown shoppers. Free public parking lots are provided in the first block on N. 5th St.

Popular and attractive Neva Kelsey was crowned football queen Friday during halftime of the Warriors’ victory over Centre. Her attendants were Becky Berry and Connie Jost.

Mrs. Don Fruechting entertained Ricky Just, Tim Hett, Eddie and Eldon Hett, Claire Lynn Fruechting, and Terry and Michael Fruechting at a wiener roast Tuesday evening in honor of Kevin Fruechting’s sixth birthday.

Willie’s Dairy Queen will close for the winter Nov. 1 and re-open about March 1.

Neva Kelsey will portray Helen Keller in the senior play, “Miracle Worker” to be performed Nov. 20 in the auditorium of Marion City Building. The part of Annie Sullivan will be played by Connie Jost.

Last modified Oct. 24, 2024