75 years ago
FEB. 9, 1950
The issue of where to locate a proposed Air Force academy has been sidestepped temporarily, at least until after the November elections. So far, 195 sites are being considered. Several are in Kansas, one of them being at Marion.
An elaborate, formal opening of the new Paul Seifert Motors building is scheduled for Feb. 18.
Phyllis Magathan was honored Tuesday evening at a surprise party planned by Ethel Hebert to celebrate Phyllis’ 16th birthday.
Invited guests were Laura Jane Bredemeier, Jeaneen Brose, Edna Grimes, Ila May Hiebert, Janice Meisner, Mildred and Doris Meredith, Roberta Newsom, and Carol Oblander.
Every Wednesday afternoon north along the Rock Island tracks you’ll find a minor traffic jam of cars, trucks, and men.
It’s sale day at Marion Livestock Sales and Commission pavilion, and the approximately 300-seat sales ring is completely filled.
Fourteen people including the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Missed, are needed to handle the various jobs on sales day.
Rehearsals started this week on a community choir presentation of “The Holy City” as an Easter cantata. Harry Propp is directing, and choir members of all churches are being u
Last modified Feb. 5, 2025