• Last modified 672 days ago (May 11, 2023)


Centre staff seeks day-care solutions

Staff writer

Speaking for herself and several other staff members, teacher Shelby Srajer appeared before Centre school board Monday to address the need for day care.

She said she was on waiting lists for next year at other day cares.

Board members suggested several possible sites for setting up a one-year day care until new facilities can be built. These include a building in Lincolnville, the district-owned house that now serves as the district office, and a portable classroom.

Superintendent Larry Geist said he would check out the sites and let the board know what he found.

The board discussed the possibility of adding baseball and wrestling to the district’s sports programs. Activities director Tim Vinduska is determining whether it is feasible.

“We need to give the kids as many opportunities as we can,” board member Lance Diepenbrock said.

Geist said he is still awaiting word on a grant the district has applied for. He was told a decision would be made late in May or early in June. Board members suggested he contact the state’s U.S. senators for assistance.

Ag education teachers John Meier and Emma Jacobson and adviser Jason Stika gave an update on the ag department. Forty-eight students are enrolled, with classes ranging from 2 to 14 students. Twenty-five subjects can be taught according to student demand.

Stika said the program’s advisory board had been floating the idea of having a school farm. No decision had been made.

The board approved a proposal by Technology and Excellence in Education Network to grant bonuses to graduates who come back to teach in network schools for at least three years. Schools in the network include Centre, Herington, Hillsboro, Marion, and Peabody-Burns.

The board accepted the resignation of Marcia Pagenkopf as assistant cook and hired Emily Hutchison as kindergarten teacher for the next school year.

Two students were approved for early graduation next year. A donation of $1,000 from Holy Family Parish to assist students as needed was accepted.

Last modified May 11, 2023