• Last modified 671 days ago (May 11, 2023)


Just 1 sport at a time

Staff writer

After a brief discussion Monday of students participating in more than one sport at a time, Hillsboro school board members set the issue aside.

Board members last month discussed allowing students to play two sports concurrently but not everyone on the board was sold on the idea. Superintendent Clint Corby put the topic on Monday’s agenda but recommended no change.

“There are other things we need to do at this time, and dual sports wasn’t one of them,” board member Rod Koons said, adding that Hillsboro did a good job academically and with activities such as band and drama.

“We’re continuing to be a leader in that as well,” he said. “There is such a thing that you’ve got too much on your plate and instead of doing it well, you just do it. We need to continue what we’re doing.”

Last modified May 11, 2023