Paper appreciated
To the editor:
I reside in Oregon and I subscribe to my local newspaper. But after the injustice of the raid on the Record and two homes, I wanted to show my support for journalistic values by subscribing to the Record, not actually expecting much from a small-town newspaper.
To my surprise, I have been very impressed with the quality of your newspaper, and I look forward to receiving it in the mail each week.
The opinion page is consistently written with insight and logic. Pat Wick’s recent article “Choosing the Greater Good” was excellent. It was compelling, perceptive, and wise. Her rationale for wind farms was thoughtful and convincing. I appreciate her thoughts on decision making, choices, and the difficulty to make changes in our lives.
Thank you for your astuteness and continued courage to ask tough questions and to “speak the truth.”
Rosie Locati
Corvallis, Oregon
Last modified Oct. 16, 2024