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Editor and publisher: Eric Meyer
Sales manager: Debbie Steele
Reporters: Finn Hartnett, Nicholas Kimball, Rowena Plett, Ryan Richter, Phyllis Zorn
Office manager: Cheri Bentz
Contributors: Delbert Peters, Pat Wick
SUBMISSIONS: Letters, articles, images and other materials submitted for publication become property of Hoch Publishing for purposes of publication and are subject to editing. The newspaper welcomes brief letters to the editor (generally no longer than 400 words) that express an opinion on a currently newsworthy topic. The writer’s contact information must be included for verification. Letters that contain defamatory comments, open letters, third-party letters, letters sent to more than one publication, and letters that more appropriately would be advertisements, including Cards of Thanks, are unlikely to be published. One letter generally is allowed per writer per calendar month.
CORRECTIONS: The newspaper’s policy is to promptly publish any factual corrections or clarifications that might create an incorrect impression of any news story. Corrections for content appearing online only typically are acknowledged in end notes or highlighted sections of the original story text. Other corrections typically are anchored for readers’ convenience in the Opinion section of the printed and online paper. Requests for corrections or clarifications should be sent to the appropriate contacts listed above.
COPYRIGHT: Hoch Publishing possesses copyright on all news stories and photos and, along with each advertiser, possess joint copyright over advertisements placed. Additional rights may be possessed by Metro Creative Graphics Inc. and others. No portion of this newspaper, either advertising or news, may be reproduced in any form without express written permission from the publisher.
OWNERSHIP: Marion County Record, Hillsboro Star-Journal, and Peabody Gazette-Bulletin are published weekly, every Wednesday, by Hoch Publishing, the county’s only fully accredited member of Kansas Press Association and are the only newspapers qualified to publish official notices in Marion County. Hoch Publishing has no lienholders and is 91.4% owned in trust by the editor and publisher. The remainder is owned by former employees who serve as directors. Directors are Eric Meyer, president; Donna Bernhardt, secretary; Melvin Honeyield; and Jean Stuchlik.